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February 25, 2009

West Valley Special Education School Closure

Our community of Lake Balboa is the home of the best Special Education Center, helping elementary school children with severe disabilities. The West Valley School is located between Valley Alternative School and the LAUSD District 1 Offices. Jean Brown, the District 1 Superintendent and/or other LAUSD administrators are looking at the possibility of closing the school as a budget reduction item. Besides the impact on these "special" students, this would also affect students at Birmingham High School and Valley Alternative School as they currently have the opportunity to work in these Special Education classes for school credit.
At a packed auditorium at the school, parents and teachers spoke of the impact closure would have.  The LAUSD Superintendent, Ray Cortines and the District 1 Superintendent Jean Brown listened but made no commitment to keep the school open in the fall.
A discussion and possible motion by the Lake Balboa Neighborhood Council will be on our agenda at the March 4th meeting.

Mailing address:
Lake Balboa NC
P.O. Box 7720
Lake Balboa, CA 91409-7720

(818) 779-9026

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