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Neighborhood Purpose Grant (NPG) Application

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Dear Prospective Applicants:

The Neighborhood Purposes Grant (NPG) process provides Neighborhood Councils with greater opportunity to benefit their communities while supporting and building partnerships with local organizations such as yours. Eligible organizations include 501(c)(3) non-profits as well as public schools. (Please note that grants cannot be issued to religious organizations or to private schools.)

Is your Neighborhood Council in good standing with the Funding Program?
Only Neighborhood Councils in good standing with the Funding Program will be eligible to participate in the NPG process. Good standing is interpreted to mean the following:

  • Neighborhood Council must have a current Fiscal Year budget on file with the Funding Program;
  • Neighborhood Council cannot be delinquent with its Monthly Expenditure Reports submissions to the Funding Program (please refer to the Funding Program Policies and Procedures for more information); and
  • Neighborhood Council must have an eligible Treasurer and 2nd Signer in the Board.

Does it Benefit the Community?
Any grant issued by a Neighborhood Council must be for a public purpose: in short, how will the grant help the community? Please refer to document entitled, “What is a Public Benefit” of the application for Neighborhood Purposes Grant for more information.

Conflict of Interest Laws Apply
The State and local conflict of interest laws that currently apply to the Neighborhood Council Funding Program also apply in the consideration of Neighborhood Purposes Grant requests.

At a minimum, board members must recuse themselves from a vote to approve a grant should there be a conflict due to an affiliation with an applicant organization. There should be full disclosure and transparency. Please refer to the document entitled, “State and City Conflicts of Interest Laws for Neighborhood Councils” of the application for Neighborhood Purposes Grant and/or the Neighborhood Council’s Field Project Coordinator for more information.

Application Process
The following is required from all organizations/entities seeking a NPG form a Neighborhood Council:

  • NPG Application, completed and signed
  • Project Budget on a separate sheet if space provided in application form is not sufficient
  • Non-Profits 501(c)(3)
    • Submit: IRS Letter of Determination
  • Public Schools
    • Submit: Letter on official school letterhead, signed by school Principal

Applicants must submit the above-mentioned items to the respective Neighborhood Council for consideration. The Neighborhood Council will evaluate all grant applications in a Brown Act public
meeting, deciding whether to approve the proposed grant. If the application is approved, it must then be forwarded to the Funding Program within 45 days of approval. Board-approved applications submitted to Funding Program after 45 days will not be accepted for processing and the Board would need to place the application on a Board meeting agenda again for reconsideration. Once approved, if all documents are in compliance, the Funding Program will process a check to the grant recipient.

Grants Up to $5,000.00

Through the Neighborhood Purposes Grant, Neighborhood Councils have the legal authority to issue grants of public funds in amounts up to $5,000.00 without a written contract.

Grants over $5,000.00

Grants for amounts $5,000.01 and over will require further review for City contract considerations in coordination with the Office of the City Clerk so as to meet City contracting standards. Neighborhood Councils do not have the legal authority to enter into unilateral contracts.

Project Completion Follow Up

Applicants are requested to provide a Project Completion Report (available online) at the conclusion of the proposed project funded by the grant.

Apply Now!

If you meet the criteria as explained above, fill out the NPG application and submit it to your local Neighborhood Council.

If you have any questions please contact the Office of the City Clerk, Neighborhood Council Funding Program at (213) 978-1058 or toll free at 3-1-1 or by email at

More Info: EmpowerLA Funding Info

Mailing address:
Lake Balboa NC
P.O. Box 7720
Lake Balboa, CA 91409-7720

(818) 779-9026

© 2004-2025 Lake Balboa Neighborhood Council. All Rights Reserved. Site by Concept To Web.
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