Health and Public Safety
- Coffee with a Cop
- Assisted stakeholders to form Neighborhood Watch (NW) Groups
- Provided NW signs for community NW groups
- Provided “Watch the Road” and/or “Slow Street” Signs to the community.
- Provided Illegal Fireworks signs to the community
- Provided free CPR & AED Training to the community (this has been discontinued)
- Provided funds the West Valley VCP program to purchase uniforms for their volunteers
Emergency Preparedness
- LBNC funded two large storage bins with emergency preparedness supplies; one bin is located at Stagg Street School, and the other bin is located at Woodley Lakes Golf Course.
- LBNC has donated money to the Valley Disaster Preparedness Fair by the Southern California Preparedness Foundation .
- CERT classes
- The $50,000 Neighborhood Emergency Plan (NEP)
- A Strategy and Supplies Committee formed the framework of our Neighborhood Emergency Plan (NEP)
- Education/Outreach provided four presentations to extend awareness of emergency preparedness
- The LBNC hosted a CERT Training program where 35 community members received CERT certificates.
- The LBNC hosted a CPR class & Pet CPR class attended that was attended by 26 people.
Marketing and Outreach
- LBNC partnered with Council District 6 office to hold a community clean up in Lake Balboa at the median at Balboa and Strathern on September 7, 2019.
- LBNC supported a Community Outreach Booth at the Lake Balboa Block Party on September 28, 2019.
- LBNC sponsored a Bassett St. Elementary Ice Cream Social with lots of ice cream, LBNC meet and greet, community art project, shred truck, and Bassett Principal & Staff meet and greet, on October 19, 2019.
- LBNC sponsored a Stagg Street Elementary Movie Night (TOY STORY) themed photo op on November 8, 2019.
- LBNC sponsored a LAUSD Board District 3 Candidate Forum on February 15, 2020.
Land Use
- Advisory work on Victory/Balboa intersection change proposals
- Advisory work on several development projects in boundaries
- Creation of a Neighborhood Land Use Plan
- Groundwork for a LA Public Library in our boundaries
Other Lake Balboa Neighborhood Council Accomplishments
- West Valley LAPDs Annual National Night Out
- Annual Senior Symposiums at ONE GENERATION
- Spring Egg Hunt at Balboa Sports Complex (Recreation & Parks)
- Movie in the Park (Recreation & Parks)
- Assemblymember Adrin Nazarian’s Annual Elementary School Chess Tournament at High Tech LA
- CATS Walk
- Models of Pride Conference
- Mural Projects on Haskell between Vanowen & Victory
- Shred Truck Events
- Other Clean-ups in the community
- Shred events
- Money to schools for computers/iPads
- Fulfilled many NPGs benefiting & serving the residents, students, & business within the LB community