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April 7, 2012

Friends of LA River CleanUp - April 28

Location Specifics: Balboa Blvd bridge over the LA River, turn right into park. Turn left into the dirt lot for parking. Our site is across the grass area, next to the River. Look for the blue canopy.
Trash Sort: Volunteers for Friends of the Los Angeles River will also be sorting approximately 20% of the trash collected at the Lake Balboa site to monitor trends in the composition of the trash in the Los Angeles River. This will be the second Trash Sort at Lake Balboa after the first conducted last year.
Thomas Guide page 561, D1
Description: Through the Sepulveda Basin, the LA River has a soft (earth) bottom with tall trees and plenty of birds and other wildlife. The site features plenty of parking, convenient restrooms, and is surrounded by wide grassy playing fields great for picnicing.
Special Notes:The River can be a bit muddy, especially if it has rained recently, so wear sensible shoes.
Bike: Easy access from the Sepulveda Basin Bike Path on Balboa Blvd at the River. This path connects with the Metro Orange Line bikeway.
Transit: Take the Metro Orange Line exit at Balboa Blvd and walk one block south to the River. Alternately take Metro lines 236/237 on Balboa Blvd. and exit at the stop just south of the River (between Burbank Blvd and Victory Blvd.)
Driving: Exit the 405 Freeway at Burbank Blvd. in Van Nuys and go west on Burbank. Turn right on Balboa Blvd. Turn rignt into the park just after the Balboa Bridge. Alternately, exit the 101 Freeway at Balboa Blvd. in Encino. Go north on Balboa and turn right into the park.
Parking: Easy parking in the Anthony C. Beilenson dirt lot on the East side of Balboa Blvd., just North of the LA River.
Click here for the event flyer.

Mailing address:
Lake Balboa NC
P.O. Box 7720
Lake Balboa, CA 91409-7720

(818) 779-9026

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