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September 24, 2012

Paper or Plastic (or Reusable)? Weigh in on the L.A. Bag Debate


The City of Los Angeles is proposing to adopt and implement an ordinance to ban the use of single-use plastic carryout bags, charge a fee on paper bags, and promote the use of reusable bags at specified retailers within the City. A six-month grace period would be provided for large retailers and a one-year grace period would be provided for small retailers, which would include a public education component.
The City of Los Angeles has completed an Initial Study which indicates that the proposed project may result in significant impacts and therefore an Environmental Impact Report will be prepared.
The Notice of Preparation and Initial Study are available for public review from September 20, 2012 to October 19, 2012. If you would like to comment, please send your written comments so that they are received no later than October 19, 2012 to:
Daniel Hackney, Program Manager
Bureau of Sanitation,
1149 S. Broadway, 5th Floor
Los Angeles, California 90015
The City of Los Angeles, Bureau of Sanitation will hold meetings to receive public input on the proposed project and the Initial Study, as follows:

The Initial Study is available for review at the City of Los Angeles Bureau of Sanitation at 1149 S. Broadway, 5th Floor, Los Angeles, CA 90015, under What’s New…, and at the following public libraries:

  • Central Library, 630 W. 5th Street, Los Angeles, CA 90071
  • Van Nuys Branch Library, 6250 Sylmar Ave., Van Nuys, CA 91401
  • West L. A. Regional Branch Library, 11360 Santa Monica Bl., Los Angeles, CA 90025
  • San Pedro Regional Branch Library, 931 S. Gaffey Street, San Pedro, CA 90731

Thank you for your participation.

2 comments on “Paper or Plastic (or Reusable)? Weigh in on the L.A. Bag Debate”

  1. What "single-use bags"???? We all reuse the plastic and paper bags from the grocery store. I don't know how we will get along without them! This whole idea is SO WRONG. It is another way to raise costs on already stressed-out citizens. This will be especially difficult for fixed-income seniors and handicapped persons. Please re-think this flawed plan! With prices on everything going up and up, we really do NOT need this added expense. Scrap this unfair idea! Just put a recycle barrel in the store and if anyone does not want to re-use their bags they can put them in the barrel for re-cycling. Much simpler, friendlier and easier for everybody!

  2. Isn't there anything better or more constructive for these dimwits to think of? Leave us poor consumers to live our lives the best way we know how. Try improving our neighborhoods with less gang activity, maybe? Just a thought... Just use more common sense please?

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Lake Balboa NC
P.O. Box 7720
Lake Balboa, CA 91409-7720

(818) 779-9026

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