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February 6, 2013

Billboard Working Group – Volunteers Wanted


Opportunity – Respond quickly if interested.
The Department of City Planning is looking for volunteers for a new billboard working group. The PLUM Committee has directed us to assemble this working group to address billboard and digital billboard issues, and in particular a potential new program that could allow a limited number of digital billboards in exchange for the removal of a greater number of existing traditional billboards, provision of specific community benefits, and/or revenue sharing with the City. The working group will be composed of stakeholders who represent the range of perspectives on these topics, and will meet three times over the next five weeks or so, at City Hall downtown (dates TBD). In order to enable fruitful discussions, the group will be limited to about 20 people. While we might not be able to accommodate everyone who wants to participate, we will make every effort to ensure that the group has a balanced range of viewpoints from throughout the City. Volunteers should contact Daisy Mo at by this coming Wednesday, Feb. 6. Thank you!

Mailing address:
Lake Balboa NC
P.O. Box 7720
Lake Balboa, CA 91409-7720

(818) 779-9026

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