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April 12, 2013

The Fastest Route to City Hall


In a city the size of Los Angeles, one of the fastest routes to City Hall is the internet. In the time it takes to find your car keys, you can be online and communicating with the Mayor and the City Council.
Effective Neighborhood Council advocates typically know three things; they know the issue, they know what they want, and they know who can help them.
Then they do something about it. Here are a few tips for effective email advocacy, followed by the email addresses of the Mayor and the City Council, complemented by a simple link that allows you to email the Mayor and the City Council with one click.
Identify yourself and your Neighborhood Council. Let them know that you are a voting resident or a taxpaying business owner or an active parent volunteer.
Be polite and professional. You can disagree, you can be firm and forceful, but always remember that you are creating a public document and your objective is to persuade.
Be clear and state your objective. You can complain all day long but if you don’t get to the point and ask for help, compliance, or support,  you won’t get what you want.
Look for common ground. We live in a great city and we’re all partners in making it even better. Let people know that you want to help them help you.
Encourage others to join you. There is strength in numbers and if you take to time to write a persuasive email, share it with others so that they can support you.
Be grateful. Take the time to write, even when you aren’t asking for something or opposed to something. Become the memorable constituent by noticing the good and by thanking your leadership when they get it right.
Contact the Mayor and City Council:
Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa –
Click HERE to determine your Council District and contact your councilman below.
Ed Reyes, CD 1 -
Paul Krekorian, CD2 –
Dennis P. Zine, CD 3 –
Tom LaBonge, CD 4 -
Paul Koretz, CD 5 –
vacant, CD 6 –
Richard Alarcon, CD 7 –
Bernard Parks, CD 8 –
Jan Perry, CD 9 –
Herb J. Wesson, Jr. CD 10 –
Bill Rosendahl, CD 11 –
Mitch Englander, CD 12 –
Eric Garcetti, CD 13 –
Jose Huizar, CD 14 –
Joe Buscaino, CD 15 –
To contact the Mayor and ALL Councilmembers, email which will forward your email to ALL emails above.

Mailing address:
Lake Balboa NC
P.O. Box 7720
Lake Balboa, CA 91409-7720

(818) 779-9026

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