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July 16, 2013

The Fastest Route to City Hall (Updated)

A new Mayor, a new City Attorney, a new City Controller, and six new Councilmembers join two incumbent Councilmembers in guiding the largest city in the most populated state in the most powerful country in the world and they need your feedback.
The quickest way to check in is by emailing them.  Tell them who you are, tell them where you live, tell them the issue, and tell them what you like.
Be specific, be concise, and be polite.
Here are the email addresses for LA’s Leadership:
Contact the Mayor and City Council:
Mayor Eric Garcetti –
Click HERE to determine your Council District and contact your councilman below.
Gilbert Cedillo, CD 1 -
Paul Krekorian, CD2 –
Bob Blumenfield, CD 3 –
Tom LaBonge, CD 4 -
Paul Koretz, CD 5 –
vacant, CD 6 –
Felipe Fuentes, CD 7 –
Bernard Parks, CD 8 –
Curren D. Price, Jr, CD 9 –
Herb J. Wesson, Jr. CD 10 –
Mike Bonin, CD 11 –
Mitch Englander, CD 12 –
Mitch O’Farrell, CD 13 –
Jose Huizar, CD 14 –
Joe Buscaino, CD 15 –
To contact the Mayor and ALL Councilmembers, email and your email will also go to the City Clerk who will attach it to any specified Council Files.

Mailing address:
Lake Balboa NC
P.O. Box 7720
Lake Balboa, CA 91409-7720

(818) 779-9026

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