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January 23, 2014

LADOT’s People St Is Open for Business

LADOT’s People St Is Open for Business

Communities can transform underused areas of L.A.’s largest public asset—our 7,500 miles of city streets—into vibrant and accessible public space with People St, a program of the City of Los Angeles Department of Transportation (LADOT).
People St
"People St is a bottom-up, community-based approach to improving our neighborhoods and changing the way Angelenos interact with their built environment," said Mayor Eric Garcetti.  "It is fitting that such an innovative program will be taking root here in Los Angeles.  I'm proud of our engineers and project managers for making this possible, but no one knows what a neighborhood needs more than the Angelenos who live there.  I'm looking forward to hearing their ideas and seeing the results transform our city."
What it is:
People St is an application program for eligible Community Partners to propose locations for three innovative types of projects: Plazas, Parklets, and Bicycle Corrals. Projects are installed below the curb in underused roadway to bring public space into our neighborhoods.
Learn more about the three project types here.
People St
How to start:
Visit to download applications, guidance on the application process, and the materials and tools for partnering with the City to launch these projects. Applications will be accepted during designated windows.
People St
For more information:
People St is hosting a series of information seminars for interested Community Partners. Take a look in advance at the materials posted on and join us at one of the following locations:
For questions on People St including the viability of potential project sites, please submit via the inquiry form here.
People St, LADOT, and the City of Los Angeles would like to send a warmhearted thank you to the many dedicated city staff superstars, elected officials, designers, and community participants who have contributed to the formalization of this program.
See you on People St!

Mailing address:
Lake Balboa NC
P.O. Box 7720
Lake Balboa, CA 91409-7720

(818) 779-9026

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