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February 7, 2014

How to Leave a Complaint for the Van Nuys Airport Regarding Noise or Low-Flying Planes

Here are the links and instructions on how to leave complaints on the Van Nuys Airport Web Tracker

This page has info and the noise complaint line where one can leave a voicemail (800) 560-0010
but….They advise using the below link.
2: On the same page link above, you will find this link
3: The Webtrak page will take a bit to load. Once it loads it looks like Google Maps.
On the top left you will see links including the "complaints" tab
On the bottom left you will see a general graph of the day’s traffic so far and the ability to click a "historical" option. This will allow you to select a time frame and it will load that 30 minute chunk.
4:You can then watch and scrub through the traffic on the right (map) side.
There's a time marker at the bottom you can grab and scrub to see the air traffic. This is how I find the exact planes that fly over us. Mark the time when you see them outside and then come to this tracker and look them up. There is about an hour delay on the tracker. You can pause the player and click on the plane icon for its call numbers.
5: If you choose the "complaints" tab on the left side it gives options to leave data and also include that plane's info in the complaint.
6: To do that you have to click the plane icon on the map side and more little icons show up, one of them (looks like a pad and pencil) will "report" that plane specifically. Then you can leave details in the box on the complaint form.
It's a great way to document and it goes to the right people.
Easiest way to leave feedback for those who cannot attend the meetings.

Mailing address:
Lake Balboa NC
P.O. Box 7720
Lake Balboa, CA 91409-7720

(818) 779-9026

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