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October 8, 2015

Valley Disaster Preparedness Fair Recap

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Hi, Everybody:  I was delighted to see so many of you at the 8th Annual Disaster Preparedness Fair last Saturday!  Wasn't it great?!?  I hope you were all able to pick up one of the Family Starter EP Kits, and that you found the items and literature inside interesting and thought provoking.  These kits are not meant to be an "end all" in your preparations, but instead to get you to think about the items and skills you will need when that next disaster hits, and to encourage you to start assembling that knowledge and those things now!  Tomorrow may be too late!
I heard nothing but rave reviews about our Speakers at the Fair, and I hope you got to hear at least a few of them.  Who would you like to hear from at next year's Fair???  We'll talk about the Fair at our EP Meeting on Saturday.
Next Thursday, October 15th, at 10:15 AM, we'll join with over 10,000,000 (yes, that's ten million!!!) other Californians and be part of the Great Shakeout!  Remember at the appointed time to Drop, Cover and Hold On as we practice what to do when the Big One hits!  Talk about it with your co-workers, family members, friends and neighbors -- and your school-age kids, too!  Remind them all of the importance of knowing exactly what to do, and how to do it when the earth starts to shake.  Go to the Great Shakeout website and register to show that you will be part of this biggest earthquake drill in the world!
This Saturday, October 10th, at 9:00 AM is our monthly Lake Balboa Emergency Preparedness Meeting at the Flyaway Bus Terminal at 7610 Woodley Ave. (NE Corner of Saticoy and Woodley), in Lake Balboa.  Plenty of FREE PARKING out front in the spaces closest to the street.  Take the steps outside up to the 2nd floor, or COME INSIDE and take the elevator up.  Jeff Edelstein of SOS Survival Products will be our guest speaker (Long Term Food Storage), and we'll try out Captain Stacy Gerlich's new CERT Basic and Medical Training Challenge Game.  Review your CERT Manual on line at so you'll know all the answers!  Even if you've never had CERT training, take a look at the Manual (great information!) and play the game with us!  We'll also discuss securing the EP supplies in our EP Binsfrom flood waters.
This Sunday, October 13th at 9:00 AM is our usual Sunday Morning Lake Balboa Amateur Radio Net at 9:00 AM, Simplex 145.570.  How far can we transmit?  Who hears us?  All licensed hams are welcome!  By the way -- exams were given at the Disaster Preparedness Fair and we licensed 4 new Techs, and Upgraded an Extra and a General!  Yaaaaaaay!  Also on Sunday, we'll have our FRS/GMRS/Walkie-Talkie Check In at 9:45 on Channel 5.  This will be a great way for EVERYBODY to communicate after a disaster, and we need to practice!  I noticed that Costco has the Motorola radios on sale for $69.95 and I'm heading over tomorrow to get a new set for myself.  Looks like a good price on a good product!
Don't forget the CERT Community Meeting on Sunday, October 25th, 1:00 to 3:00 PM in the Training Trailer at LAFD Fire Station 88, 5101 N. Sepulveda Blvd. in Sherman Oaks.  Medical Treatment Area Review and Mini-Drill will be the topics!  These meetings are not just for CERT graduates -- they are open to the Community.
Take a look at the EP Meeting Agenda, and come be with us this Saturday.  Bring the family, and invite your neighbors.  All are welcome!
Questions?  Call or email us!
Linda Pruett (818) 384-8375, and Brian Tessier,,
Co-Chairs, Lake Balboa Neighborhood Council EP Committee

Mailing address:
Lake Balboa NC
P.O. Box 7720
Lake Balboa, CA 91409-7720

(818) 779-9026

© 2004-2025 Lake Balboa Neighborhood Council. All Rights Reserved. Site by Concept To Web.
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