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November 6, 2015

Emergency Preparedness and Communications

Hi Everybody -- We all know that communications are going to be hit really hard during a major disaster, and at the same time are so very, very important!  Cell phone towers will go down, land lines will be way overloaded, and tv and radio may be out as well.  And sadly, not all of us have the desire or inclination to become ham (amateur) radio operators.  So, how WILL you communicate with neighbors to find out what hospitals, grocery stores and pharmacies are open?  Or when and where the Red Cross shelter is expected to open?
One of the best ways will be with the use of FRS/GMRS/Walkie-Talkie type radios!  They're inexpensive, easy to operate, and you don't need a license (except for certain bands in GMRS), and they're fun!!!
Next Saturday, November 14th, Dan Tomlinson, our Communications Guru, is going to teach us all how to set up, program and operate our radios at our Emergency Preparedness Meeting at 9:00 AM at the Flyaway Bus Terminal, 7610 Woodley Avenue (NE Corner of Saticoy and Woodley), in the 2nd Floor Community Room.  Plenty of FREE PARKING out front in the spaces closest to the street.  Come INSIDE THE BUILDING and take the elevator up to the 2nd Floor, or the STEPS OUTSIDE THE BUILDING.
Take the time this weekend to go out and buy a set of Walkie-Talkies!  I got my set (very good ones!) from SOS Survival Products at 15705 Strathern St. right here in Lake Balboa/Van Nuys, (818) 909-0131, and you can also get them at Costco, sporting goods stores, and hardware stores.  You'll find them for way less than $100.00 and this could turn out to be a life saving item in your Emergency Preparedness Supplies!  Get the best ones you can afford -- they come with the charger, and everything you'll need to get "on the air"!  Bring them to the EP Meeting next Saturday, and learn how to use them properly.
You know you need to do this as part of your EP preparations, so let's "get this one done"!!!  You'll sleep better -- I promise!  🙂
Linda Pruett, Co-Chair, Emergency Preparedness Committee
Lake Balboa Neighborhood Council
(818) 345-9809
Mailing address:
Lake Balboa NC
P.O. Box 7720
Lake Balboa, CA 91409-7720

(818) 779-9026

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