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January 7, 2016

Emergency Preparedness Meeting this Saturday

Hi, Everybody:  HAPPY NEW YEAR!  I hope that 2016 is starting off in spectacular fashion for you and that your Holidays were happy and healthy and spent with those you love.  And, I trust you're ready to get going on all those Emergency Preparedness plans you've been putting off, so here we go!
Our monthly Emergency Preparedness Meeting is this Saturday, January 9th, 9:00 to 11:00 AM, at the Flyaway Bus Terminal, 7610 Woodley Ave. (NE Corner of Saticoy and Woodley), Lake Balboa.  FREE PARKING in the short-term lot out front in the spaces closest to the street.  GO INSIDE -- Take the elevator at the north end of the building (or take the steps outside the building) up to the 2nd Floor Community Room.
Firefighter/CERT Instructor Susan Jensen will be our Guest Speaker this month, and she's going to teach us the finer points of Sandbagging.  With the El Nino storms upon us, this is knowledge we should ALL have, not only for ourselves, but to pass on to friends and neighbors who may need it.  Did you know that sandbags are available at all Los Angeles Fire Departments and that sand is available at many of them?  You could save someone's home from devastating flooding, maybe even your own, with the knowledge you'll gain at this meeting!  Susan will also give us a "State of the Union" (CERT) update as well.  Take advantage of this precious time with Firefighter Jensen (she's not available very often!!!) to ask all those CERT questions you've been wondering about!
Sandy Joseph will talk about the December EP Alliance Meeting, I'll update info on insuring the safety of our EP Supplies during El Nino rains, and Bill Hopkins will tell us about upcoming American Red Cross Classes to fulfill CERT II Requirements.  Bring those EP items and books you received over the Holidays to share with us!
Don't forget the CERT Community Meeting (OPEN TO EVERYONE -- NOT JUST CERT TRAINED INDIVIDUALS!), on Sunday, 1/10/16 from 1:00 until 3:00 PM at LAFD Fire Station 88 in the Community Room Trailer at 5101 N. Sepulveda Blvd. in Sherman Oaks.  (Trailer is to your immediate left as you enter the driveway gate of the Fire Department directly south of the building.)  Bring your Go Bag!  We'll be reviewing what you need in Go Bags for Home, Car and Work, and hear suggestions from SOS Survival Products Owner Jeff Edelstein (did you see him on Channel 5 News on Thursday morning?), and fellow community members.  Remember to replace expired items in all your kits and batteries in your smoke detectors during January!
Don't forget to check out the CERT website at often for the latest happenings in the CERT world, and the SOS Survival Products website at for information on upcoming Preparedness Classes (many are FREE and others are low-cost), and the latest in EP products.
A reminder about our Every-Sunday-Morning Lake Balboa Amateur Radio (Ham) Net:  9:00 AM, Simplex 145.570.  All Licensed Hams are invited!  Also, our FRS/GMRS/Walkie-Talkie Check-in is this Sunday at 9:45 AM, Channel 5.  This is a great way for ALL OF US to communicate within our neighborhoods after a disaster!  Have questions about your radios???  Bring them to the meeting and Radio Guru Dan Tomlinson will help you with answers!
Check out the Meeting Agenda here.  Questions?  Contact us!
Linda Pruett and Brian Tessier, EP Co-Chairs
Lake Balboa Neighborhood Council
(818) 384-8375 (Direct to Linda)
Mailing address:
Lake Balboa NC
P.O. Box 7720
Lake Balboa, CA 91409-7720

(818) 779-9026

© 2004-2025 Lake Balboa Neighborhood Council. All Rights Reserved. Site by Concept To Web.
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