Every day, more than 1,000 persons fall victim to Sudden Cardiac Arrest. Unfortunately more than 90% of victims do not survive the trip to the hospital. A major reason is the critical lack of people trained to perform CPR (Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation) – one of the simplest yet most important life skills that a person can learn. “Using CPR in the critical time before EMT’s & Paramedics arrive can mean the difference between life or death of someone you know – even yourself,” said James Brown, chairman of the Lake Balboa Neighborhood Council Public Safety Committee.
Since 4 out of 5 Sudden Cardiac Arrest emergencies happen at home, the life you save with CPR is most likely to be a loved one, a child, a spouse, a parent or a friend.
That’s why the Public Safety Committee of the Lake Balboa NC is sponsoring FREE community First Aid/CPR/AED training for all residents. Since August 2015, more than 100 Lake Balboa area residents have been successfully trained to use CPR/AED, and have received optional CPR certification cards.
A Sudden Cardiac Arrest event can happen to anyone, at any time, and at any place. It is critical that community members step up to help increase survival rates by learning CPR. “If more people learned to use CPR, we can double or even triple the survival rates,” said Brown.
Each month, the Lake Balboa NC Public Safety Committee sponsors free CPR training for all community and SF Valley residents. The training is conducted by a certified American Heart Association training organization using AHA approved training. The training class is open to adults, teen/young adults – ages 12 to 18 years. All training is free. Optional First Aid/CPR/AED certification is also offered, at a small fee. Training is held at:
Flyaway Bus Terminal – 2nd Floor Community Mtg Room
7610 Woodley Ave
Lake Balboa
Training is held every 3rd Saturday of the month. Meetings start at 10 am.
Every Neighborhood Council is urged to join in to help increase survival rates of victims of sudden cardiac arrest — a major cause of death in the U.S. For more information, please contact Public Safety Committee Chairman James Brown at jamesb@lakebalboanc.org