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May 11, 2016

Emergency Preparedness Update for May 2016


Hi, Everybody:  Time for our monthly Emergency Preparedness Meeting, this coming Saturday morning, May 14th, 9:00 to 11:00 AM, at the Flyaway Bus Terminal, 7610 Woodley Avenue (NE Corner of Saticoy and Woodley), Community Meeting Room on the second floor.  Plenty of FREE PARKING in the short-term lot out front in the spaces closest to the street.  Take the steps outside the building or GO INSIDE and take the elevator at the north end of the building.

This month, Jeff Edelstein, owner of SOS Survival Products, will be our guest speaker.  He'll give us a quick lesson in BASIC EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS!  This is a perfect time to ask all those questions you've been saving up, (too embarrassed to ask???), in the comfort and safety of FRIENDS!  If you're too shy even for that, send me your questions before the meeting and I'll ask them for you!  THERE ARE NO DUMB QUESTIONS!  Remember, we're all in this together, and WE WANT TO HELP EACH OTHER BE BETTER PREPARED!  This is also the perfect time to invite friends, neighbors, and co-workers who haven't done ANYTHING (or very little!) to prepare for the inevitable emergency/disaster that we KNOW is coming!  Also, many of us have brand new Neighborhood Council Board Members!  This is the perfect opportunity to introduce them to Emergency/Disaster Preparedness!
As most of you know, the SOS Survival Products Annual Sidewalk Sale is coming up, Friday and Saturday, June 3rd and 4th, 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM at their store at 15705 Strathern, Unit 11.  There will be great bargains galore!  Up to 75% off on some items!  We're hoping Jeff will give us some hints as to what extra special bargains we can look forward to.  We believe they're the best Disaster Preparedness store in all of Southern California, and we are so lucky to have them right here in our backyard!
Also, at the Sidewalk Sale, Bill Hopkins, Ted Snyder, Dave Brown and I will have a table representing the Southern California Preparedness Foundation.  Please come by and say "Hello!"  Pick up a copy of our "Save the Date" flyer for the biggest (and best!) Disaster Preparedness Fair in all of Los Angeles, coming on Saturday, October 1st.  Also, let us tell you about "Map Your Neighborhood", the superb 9-step Program on what to do AFTER a Disaster hits to keep you, your family, and immediate neighbors safe!
And speaking of the Foundation, here's a REALLY EASY way you can help us with our work on the Fair, and promoting CERT and Map Your Neighborhood!  Completely painless, and won't cost you a penny!
Support Disaster Preparedness in Los Angeles at no cost to you by using your Ralphs Card. To register online for the Ralphs Community Contribution Program, visit and have your Ralphs REWARDS card handy. Register your card with the Southern California Preparedness Foundation, code number 81836, as follows:
  • If you are a new online customer, click on No Account? Register (top right-hand corner) and follow the step-by-step instructions to create an online account.
  • After you confirm your online account in your e‑mail inbox, return to and click on your name.
  • Scroll down to Community Rewards - Enroll.
  • Type the NPO (nonprofit organization) number (81836) or name of organization (Southern California Preparedness Foundation) and complete your enrollment process.
Purchases will not count toward the Foundation until after you register your card (instructions above). Then, at the checkout counter, you need to swipe your registered Ralphs REWARDS card or use the phone number that is linked to your registered Ralphs REWARDS card for each purchase to count. Check your receipt to verify that the Foundation’s name is shown as your selected charity at the bottom of the receipt. May take up to 72 hours to be activated.
Thank you so much for doing this!  We really appreciate all the help we can get!  The Foundation is a 501(c)(3) non-profit and operates on grants and donations to help make all of us in Southern California better prepared!
For all you Seniors out there, please drop by the Senior Symposium on Saturday, May 14th, 8:00 AM to 2:30 PM, at the ONEgeneration Senior Enrighment Center at 18255 Victory Blvd. in Reseda.  Additional parking available at 17400 Victory (Between White Oak and Louise on the south side of the street.  Shuttle to the event.  Over 50 exhibitors offering Senior Services, FREE health Screenings, FREE Coninental Breakfast & Lunch, great prizes and giveaways, and a low cost Senior Pet Adoption Program.  To register online, visit  Lake Balboa Neighborhood Council will have a table there.  Please stop by and say "Hi" and pick up some EP information! To you LBNC Board Members and stakeholders, we could use some help at the table.  Call me if you're interested!
I have an interesting article on the San Andreas being about ready to crack found here.  Also, please take a look at the Agenda.
Linda Pruett, EP Co-Chair
Lake Balboa Neighborhood Council
Mailing address:
Lake Balboa NC
P.O. Box 7720
Lake Balboa, CA 91409-7720

(818) 779-9026

© 2004-2025 Lake Balboa Neighborhood Council. All Rights Reserved. Site by Concept To Web.
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