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June 8, 2016

June Emergency Preparedness Update


Hi, Everybody:
This Saturday, June 11th, 9:00 to 11:00 AM, is our Emergency Preparedness Meeting at the Flyaway Bus Terminal, Community Meeting Room on the 2nd Floor (take the elevator INSIDE at the north end of the building, or the steps outside), at 7610 Woodley Avenue (NE Corner of Saticoy and Woodley).  Plenty of FREE PARKING in the short-term lot out front in the spaces closest to the street.
One of our favorite speakers, Erin Huey, will be our guest instructor!  She'll be teaching us about Pet Preparedness and Pet First Aid!  We hope she'll be bringing Rascal, everybody's favorite Party Pom, to demonstrate on!  We always learn so much from Erin, and she has that special knack for making learning FUN!  And, if there's time, she might even show us how to properly lace and tie our shoes!!!  You won't believe this one!  Worth the price of admission (FREE!), all by itself!  🙂
Say "Hi" to our brand new Emergency Preparedness Co-Chair, Sandy Joseph, and ask her how she "aced" her Ham Radio Technician Exam!  We're soooooo proud of you, Sandy!  Brian Tessier promises he isn't going anywhere and will still be available for EP -- just not on our Neighborhood Council Board any longer.  Sob...  Already missing you, Brian!
Dan Tomlinson will be reminding us about the upcoming Field Day for Ham Radio operators, and Bill Hopkins will have the latest info on the upcomingValley Disaster Preparedness Fair, October 1st.  Can you believe it's less than a month until we can go on line to register?!?  Has YOUR Neighborhood Council signed up to help support the Fair?  It takes all of us working together to make this the biggest and best EP Fair in all of Los Angeles, you know.  And we're in need of some truly DEPENDABLE VOLUNTEERS!  Sign up to help this Saturday!
Our Ham Radio Check-In is this Sunday morning at 9:00 AM, Simplex 145.570.  And our FRS/GMRS/Walkie-Talkie Check-In is at 9:45 AM on Channel 5.  We're looking forward to hearing YOU this Sunday!
Questions about any of the above?  Call or Email us!
Linda Pruett and Sandy Joseph, EP Co-Chairs
Lake Balboa Neighborhood Council
(818) 384-8375 Direct to Linda to email Sandy

Mailing address:
Lake Balboa NC
P.O. Box 7720
Lake Balboa, CA 91409-7720

(818) 779-9026

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