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June 4, 2016

Mayor’s 2016 Summer Night Lights


A Message from the Mayor’s Office of Public Safety/ Gang Reduction and Youth Development:
As you look for ways to make a difference in your communities on the issues you care about most, we want you to be aware of the Mayor’s Summer Night Lights program. Summer Night Lights implements programming at 32 sites across the city providing hundreds of thousands of Angelenos with free extended recreational, cultural, educational, and resource-based programming from 7 p.m. – 11 p.m., Wednesdays through Saturdays throughout the summer months. Although touted as a violence reduction program, Summer Night Lights provides significant employment opportunities in the communities most impacted by gang-related violence, poverty, and unemployment.
By working together, Summer Night Lights and Neighborhood Councils can ensure that we are connecting people with meaningful services and resources that support your visions and Mayor Garcetti’s objectives to revitalize Los Angeles, strengthen neighborhoods, improve the workforce, and inspire civic pride in all Angelenos–resulting in real, measurable, long-term change for the residents of Los Angeles.
Here are ways to get involved:

  1. ​Sign up to participate in Summer Night Lights programming. You can choose the activity ​​​that best fits your needs: information ​​​booth, workshops, sponsorship opportunities, promote your meetings/events.
  2. Attend a Summer Night Lights programming night as a participant. Opening night is June 29th 7:00 pm.
  3. Then, let Jessica Oleta of the Mayor’s Public Safety/Gang Reduction and Youth Development Office know if you would like to participate. If you have events in your area, SNL can help post your events on their social media and at the site to drive members your way. Email to: today.


Mailing address:
Lake Balboa NC
P.O. Box 7720
Lake Balboa, CA 91409-7720

(818) 779-9026

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