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August 10, 2016

LBNC EP Meeting, Saturday, 8/13/16, 7:00 AM!!!

Hi, Everybody:  Can't believe it's almost mid-August and the kids are already back at school in some areas!  The year is flying by, and if you're like most, there are still things on your Emergency Preparedness "TO DO" list!  We have them on ours too, but we're going to mark another item off the list this Saturday, August 13th, 7:00 AM -- that is, restock our Emergency Preparedness Bin at Stagg Street Elementary School here in Lake Balboa.
Invite your favorite Fire Fighters and Station Captains, Paramedics, Police Officers and Station Captains, medical professionals and CERT-trained individuals to come and see what we have in our bins.  After all, these items are for THEIR use after a disaster, and we want them to know where they're located!  Invite your neighbors, too!  This will be a gathering spot for the neighborhood after a disaster for the exchange of critical information (locations of open shelters, medical facilities, grocery stores, pharmacies, etc.), and everyone should know the bin location.  We'll have ham radio there so we'll have communication into and out of the area.
Stagg Street Elementary School is located at 7839 Amestoy Street, between Louise and Balboa, north of Saticoy, and south of Roscoe.  The bin itself is located about mid-block on Arminta Street, just north of the school

We're going to start very early on Saturday (7:00 AM), since the weather folks say it will reach 100 in the Valley that day.  We should be finished before 11:00.  Bring a hat, sunscreen and water!  (We'll have some water there...)  And don't forget to wear sturdy shoes -- no flip-flops or sandals please.

Just a reminder -- Go online NOW (, to register for the 9th Annual Valley Disaster  Fair, 10:00 AM to 2:00 PM on Saturday, October 1st.  This is the BIGGEST and BEST Disaster Preparedness Event in the City!  The family oriented Fair is located behind Fire Station 87, 10124 Balboa Blvd., just south of Devonshire, in Granada Hills.  Plenty of FREE PARKING behind the Shopping Center on the SE corner of Devonshire and Balboa.  Cross the driveway directly into the Fair Grounds!  FREE EP KITS*, FREE LUNCH* (hamburgers, hot dogs and veggie burgers), AS LONG AS SUPPLIES LAST*!
Great speakers again this year, including MySafe:LA (for Seniors 55 and over, with a free goodie bag from MySafe:La with participation.)  Also, Louise Masin Sattler, advocate for persons with Access and Functional Needs (AFN), and Grayce Liu, General Manager of the Dept. of Neighborhood Empowerment, discussing how NCs can and do help prepare their citizens for disaster.  And, Erin Huey, beloved speaker, long-time Red Cross First Aid and CPR/AED instructor-trainer to teach us how to prepare before and safely care for our pets during and after disaster.  And our very own Brian Tessier will show us how to create a personalized preparedness kit on the cheap!  And much, much more!!!  And don't forget -- as long as supplies last*, a small FREE APPRECIATION GIFT TO CERT MEMBERS*!  Stop by our (Sandy and Linda's) booth to get yours!  Wear your CERT vest or bring your certificate for your free gift!
Check out the Agenda below, and we'll look for you this Saturday at the EP Bin.  Questions?
Linda Pruett and Sandy Joseph, Co-Chairs
Lake Balboa Neighborhood Council
Emergency Preparedness Committee
(818) 384-8375 Direct to Linda Sandy's email
Mailing address:
Lake Balboa NC
P.O. Box 7720
Lake Balboa, CA 91409-7720

(818) 779-9026

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