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July 6, 2017

Emergency Preparedness Committee Meeting Location for this Saturday


The Lake Balboa Neighborhood Council Emergency Preparedness Meeting is this Saturday, July 8, 8:00 to 11:00 AM at the Woodley Lakes Golf Course Parking Lot at our Emergency Preparedness Bin. Take Woodley Ave. south from Victory Blvd., past the Bus Line, to the second driveway on the right. (See the Woodley Lakes Golf Course Sign as you turn in.) Drive to the stop sign, turn left into the parking lot. Take the second aisle to the right, see the tan 20' cargo container ahead with silver ventilator on top. Park car and walk over to the bin to join us!
This bin is used to store supplies (no drugs, food or water!!!) for use in a disaster by LAFD, LAPD, Medical Professionals, and CERT trained individuals! We also foresee this bin as becoming an information center/gathering spot for the community after a disaster occurs. You do not have to stay for the whole meeting, but please come and see the bin. If you like, we'd love to have you take part in our Incident Command System, see our communications setup (Ham and FRS/GMRS/Walkie Talkie Radios), and learn about triaging those who have been injured in the disaster.
Linda Pruett and Sandy Joseph
Emergency Preparedness Co-Chairs
Lake Balboa Neighborhood Council

Mailing address:
Lake Balboa NC
P.O. Box 7720
Lake Balboa, CA 91409-7720

(818) 779-9026

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