We have a new venue for our 10th Annual Valley Disaster Preparedness Fair this year! The Fair will be Saturday, October 7th, 10:00 am to 2:00 pm, at the Northridge Fashion Center (9301 Tampa Avenue), and the Fair itself will be on the northwest corner of the parking lot at Shirley Ave. & Plummer St., in the parking lot between the Bank and the Theaters. Please go online to register at ValleyDisasterFair.com. (You can also register at the Fair itself, but this will save you some time!) Remember that everything at the Fair is FREE: parking, admission, lunch (hamburgers, hotdogs, & veggie burgers), and those wonderful Family Starter EP Kits! (Lunch and Kits available as long as supplies last!) The only exception to "Free" is, if you wish to take the Ham Radio Exam, there is a $15 fee from ARRL.
We've got some great speakers lined up for you again this year: Frank Borden, "Father of CERT" will share with us how CERT began and has spread worldwide, (great opportunity to meet/see this local hero!), and Dr. Jill Barnes, Ph.D., will tell us how LAUSD schools prepare for and respond to emergencies and disasters. Tanya Yarbrough, who will guide us through a session on Pet Preparedness and how to get our pet(s) trained and ready for a quick evacuation. In addition, Dan Tomlinson, ACS Battalion 10 Communications Coordinator will demonstrate and explain how to use any 2-way radio to communicate effectively, efficiently and succinctly in a disaster situation, and Eric Boldt, Warning Coordination Meteorologist at the National Weather Service LA/Oxnard, will cover severe weather and how you can prepare for and deal with adverse conditions.
The Cedars-Sinai Bloodmobile will be there, the Shakey-Quakey Schoolhouse, and all sorts of wonderful demonstrations, exhibits and displays, including free child ID, CERT demos and info, Learning Sidewalk CPR, Pet Safety & Preparedness, Kids' Safety Puppet Show, Disaster Response Agencies, Dutch Oven & Solar Oven Cooking, Map Your Neighborhood, and you can even send a radiogram to your out-of-state contact to see if it will really work in a disaster! And don't forget those drawings for some great EP and Specialty Items! Your Neighborhood Councilsare being invited to participate and have a table, so please urge them to do so to share information about how wonderful YOUR community is!
We're still looking for volunteers with Kit Prep, Registration, Set-up and Take-down, Promotion, Volunteers and more. To get involved with this fun event, see ValleyDisasterFair.com!
THERE IS NO LBNC EP MEETING THIS MONTH!!! Enjoy this Saturday to be with family or friends or just kick back and maybe sleep in! Happy Vacation!!! 🙂
Please contact:
Linda Pruett and/or Sandy Joseph
Lake Balboa Neighborhood Council EP Co-Chairs
Phone Linda at (818) 384-8375
Email Sandy at bubbarooz@yahoo.com