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November 8, 2017

Emergency Preparedness Update

Hi, Everybody!  The Holidays are upon us and our thoughts turn to Family and Friends and coming together to celebrate.  But please don't forget about Preparedness!  Disasters don't take time off, and December is a great time to think about those who may not be as "ready" as you are.  Our December meeting will be a great time to think about gifts of preparedness items for all, so you won't want to miss it.  And, it will be our own little Holiday Party as well.  With earthquakes, fires and storms throughout the continent, its the perfect time to think about great items we can put together to help others be better prepared NOW!
And this month is going to be a fun meeting, too!  DAN TOMLINSON, our Communications Chair, teaches several classes relating to Preparedness at SOS Survival Products and other venues.  I heard thru the grapevine that he has another class in the works, so I asked if we can be guinea pigs when he rolls it out for the first time.  This Saturday is introduction day to ALTERNATIVE ENERGY, a topic that will be of vital importance in the event of Disaster!  You do NOT want to miss this one!  As always, those of us who are trying to share Preparedness Information welcome constructive suggestions!  Come get this very valuable information before it even hits the press!
And, if you plan to shop thru the first week of December at SOS Survival Products (15705 Strathern, Unit 11, Van Nuys, 91406), bring 15 cans of food for the MEND Food Bank  (Meet Each Need with Dignity), and receive 15% off your entire order at SOS!  A great way to get a hefty discount on your Holiday Gifts!
We hope you all get to spend Thanksgiving with those you love, and that this Holiday will be safe, healthy and the happiest ever for you and yours!  We hope to see you on Saturday!
Questions?  Please see the attachment of our Agenda below.
Linda Pruett and Sandy Joseph, Co-Chairs
Emergency Preparedness Committee
Lake Balboa Neighborhood Council
Linda's Cell Phone (818) 384-8375
Mailing address:
Lake Balboa NC
P.O. Box 7720
Lake Balboa, CA 91409-7720

(818) 779-9026

© 2004-2025 Lake Balboa Neighborhood Council. All Rights Reserved. Site by Concept To Web.
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