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April 20, 2018

2018 State of the City Address: Highlights & Potential Partnerships for Neighborhood Councils


Thank you to EmpowerLA’s Octaviano Rios for letting us share this thoughtful overview of Mayor Garcetti’s 2018 State of the City address, which Octaviano originally wrote for the Harbor area Neighborhood Councils that he supports. He highlights the Mayor’s callouts to Neighborhood Councils, and issues that Councils might wish to partner with the Mayor on during the coming year.
In his State of the City address Monday morning, Mayor Garcetti said that he needs the help of Angelenos to improve our quality of life in Los Angeles. This coming fiscal year, please consider joining the Mayor, the City Council, City departments, and community partners to spur economic growth in key industries, improve regional infrastructure connectivity, and ensure everyone benefits from the progress of the City.
In his address, the Mayor said the word “neighborhood” 25 times, which is a call not just to City Departments to take action, but a partnership opportunity for all Neighborhood Councils to engage in those instances where resources are being planned for neighborhoods. Here are a few objectives for the year:

  • Homelessness – providing emergency shelters, supportive services, parking, and storage
  • Crime – strategically deploying officers, expanding the Domestic Abuse Response Teams, investing in gang prevention and intervention services, and decreasing the number of gun possession
  • Jobs – attracting and supporting filming, innovation and the tech industry
  • Transportation – investing in regional transportation connectivity
  • Community Health – increasing youth participation in Recreation and Parks sports programs

On eradicating homelessness in the City, the Mayor called for a partnership with Neighborhood Councils to help in City Hall’s efforts to provide more long term solutions to the needs of homeless Angelenos, saying, “I met with business leaders, service providers, and the 44 Neighborhood Council homelessness liaisons from across L.A. to brief them on our efforts. They all plan to work closely with their Councilpersons to identify sites and build support for safe parking, shelter, and storage for homeless Angelenos. And it starts here at City Hall, where everyone shares in the responsibility of ending this crisis.”

Click the links below to watch and listen to the Mayor deliver the 2018 State of the City address, or to read the full text of his speech:
TEXT of SPEECH (English):
TEXT of SPEECH (Espanol):

Mailing address:
Lake Balboa NC
P.O. Box 7720
Lake Balboa, CA 91409-7720

(818) 779-9026

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