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June 20, 2018

Emergency Preparedness Committee Update - June 2018

Hi, Everybody:  A quick reminder that there will be NO LAKE BALBOA NEIGHBORHOOD COUNCIL EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS MEETING IN THE MONTH OF JULY!  We'll look forward to seeing you again on August 11th at 9:00 AM at the Flyaway.  Be safe and healthy and have a great  Vacation!!!
Also, a heartfelt request to ENJOY YOUR DINNER FROM DEL TACO RESTAURANT THIS FRIDAY, JUNE 22, FROM 4:00 TO 7:00 pm!  Twenty Percent of your purchase will be donated to the Southern California Preparedness Foundation, producers of the Valley Disaster Preparedness Fair, whether you make your purchase at the drive-thru window or inside.  You do not have to say anything or bring our flyer.  It happens automatically!  The Fair this year is on Saturday, September 29th, from 9:00 AM to 1:30 PM at the Northridge Fashion Center, 9400 Shirley Ave., just south of Plummer (NW corner of the Fashion Center in the Pacific Theaters Parking Lot).
Registration for the Fair opens online on July 1st.  (  Registration is also available at the Fair.  Remember, the Fair is completely free to attendees -- parking, admission, lunch*, starter family Emergency Preparedness kits* (*as long as supplies last), demonstrations, speakers and presentations.  Nothing is sold at the Fair -- vendors are not even allowed to take orders!  So it's a fun-filled, family-oriented day for all!  Come be with us and be part of the fun!
See you at Del Taco this Friday!?!?!?
Call Linda Pruett, Co-Chair, LBNC EP Committee and
    Corporate Secretary of the So. Cal. Preparedness Foundation
(818) 384-8375
Mailing address:
Lake Balboa NC
P.O. Box 7720
Lake Balboa, CA 91409-7720

(818) 779-9026

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