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June 2, 2018

West Valley LAPD Volunteer Community Patrol Includes Lake Balboa Residents

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The recently launched West Valley LAPD Volunteer Community Patrol includes two Lake Balboa residents among the 18 volunteers announced during a special press conference held at West Valley LAPD headquarters on May 24. Lake Balboa Neighborhood Council (LBNC) board members Mary L Pennomon (left) and James Brown (right) stepped up to help make a difference in the quality of life in Lake Balboa.
LAPD can’t do the job alone of protecting us all. It takes the entire community to be the eyes and ears of West Valley LAPD and alert them to areas where help is most needed. That’s what the Volunteer Community Patrol is all about, to present a trained, obvious physical presence to help deter and reduce crime in our community.
The launch ceremony was attended by LA City Councilmembers Nury Martinez and Bob Blumenfield, who provided financial support to the program, as well as Deputy Chief Sherman, members of the media, and other local dignitaries.
Your Lake Balboa Neighborhood Council provided funding for uniform purchases for all volunteers. For information about how you can help or volunteer, attend the next LBNC board meeting or contact James Brown, LBNC Health and Public Safety Committee Chair at 818-517-6732 or

Mailing address:
Lake Balboa NC
P.O. Box 7720
Lake Balboa, CA 91409-7720

(818) 779-9026

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