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March 27, 2020

Lake Balboa Senior Lead Officers Begin Actions to Help Check up on Older Patients


The COVID-19 coronavirus appears to have serious health implications for the elderly who are at the highest risk of dying from coronavirus and a syndrome called acute respiratory distress. Experts have recommended aggressive precautions for our elderly including actions to limit face-to-face exposure.

LAPD has issued a list of new guidelines and equipment to officers for dealing with the COVID-19 coronavirus. In addition, Officers are now working almost 12 hour days and are no longer looking to make arrests in certain types of crime categories, but rather to concentrate on increased community service especially during the coronavirus pandemic.

Lake Balboa LAPD Senior Lead Officers Rosa Smith and Hugo Fuentes have started a campaign to assist Lake Balboa residents who want or need help to check up on elderly Lake Balboa neighborhood residents, elderly family members or friends. For the elderly, social isolation is dangerous and it’s real. Officers Smith and Fuentes encourage everyone to bridge the gap to connect with the elderly who need social contact. And both Officers Smith and Fuentes will assist residents by conducting in-person “Door Knocks” on elderly residents to check on their well-being and conduct assistance if needed.

If you would like for your SLO’s to help you contact an elderly neighborhood or elderly family member:

Email: Officer Rosa  or Officer Hugo . Let the officers know who you are, your contact information (email/telephone) and the name, address and pertinent information for them to contact the person you are concerned about. The Officers will then make the in-person door-knock visit and then, follow up with you.

Meanwhile, if you’re wondering how to support your own older relatives, neighbors and friends consider: PICK UP THE PHONE – set aside a time to call, Skype or FaceTime with them as often as you’re able; ASK LEADING  QUESTIONS -  usually you can check in person and see firsthand if they seem frail, tired and so forth. NO MORE. So ask the right questions: How are you feeling? Are they frightened? “Generally, that opens up a lot of different ways you can follow up, such as, “Have you eaten today? What have you eaten? Are you drinking fluids? Often people, when they get depressed, they forget to eat; MAKE DOOR STEP DROP OFFSASK HOW YOU CAN HELPPROVIDE REASSURANCE- let them know they’re not alone; THANK THEM FOR STAYING HOMESHARE STORIES OF RESILIENCE-you’ll feel calmer, and they’ll feel useful in sharing their wisdom, even if confined at home. PULL IN REINFORCEMENT IF NEEDED.

We’re all in this together. Help support LAPD and our Community

James Brown, Lake Balboa Neighborhood Council, 1st VP, Chair- Health  & Public Safety Committee

Mailing address:
Lake Balboa NC
P.O. Box 7720
Lake Balboa, CA 91409-7720

(818) 779-9026

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