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July 13, 2020

Revisions to Business Operations in California

Coronavirus outbreak, Los Angeles, USA - 18 Jun 2020

Los Angeles County Coronavirus Update: Local Officials Order Businesses In “Non-Critical” Sectors To Close Offices

Statewide, California has closed indoor operations STATEWIDE for:

  • restaurants
  • wineries
  • movie theaters
  • family entertainment
  • zoos
  • museums
  • cardrooms

Southern California counties face additional specific closure orders, as outlined in Newsom’s tweet below.

Just minutes later, Los Angeles County Public Health Director Barbara Ferrer announced that the indoor closure list includes “offices for all non-critical sectors.” That comes after the health department closed a Downtown L.A. clothing factory over the weekend after 300 of its employees became infected.
The state site says essential sectors include employees in these these categories who cannot work from home: health care providers and caregivers; emergency services sector employees, such as police and firefighters; food production, processing, and delivery; the energy sector; the water and wastewater; transportation and logistics; communications and IT; government operations; critical manufacturing of transportation products, components and machinery; financial services; chemical and hazardous services; defense; and industrial, commercials and personal sheltering services.

Due to the alarming rate at which COVID-19 is spreading, and in particular, the increase in COVID-19 hospitalizations, the following establishments are once again closed to the public (effective 7/13/2020):

  • Gym and fitness centers
  • Indoor malls
  • Houses of worship
  • Non-critical offices
  • Hair salons and barber shops
  • Personal services (nail, massage, tattoo)
Mailing address:
Lake Balboa NC
P.O. Box 7720
Lake Balboa, CA 91409-7720

(818) 779-9026

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