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March 11, 2021

Emergency Preparedness Info for Saturday, March 13

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Hi, Everybody:  This Saturday, March 13th, is our Lake Balboa Neighborhood Council Emergency Preparedness Meeting, 9:00 am to 11:00 am on Zoom.  Please check the agenda below for instructions on how to join the meeting.  Sandy Joseph, our Zoom Wizard, says she will not be able to join us until about 5 minutes of 9, so be patient when trying to check-in.  🙂
Remember that EP Gifts and classes make wonderful St. Patrick's Day and Easter gifts for friends and loved ones.  SOS Survival Products is open for pickup and shipped orders during the pandemic.  Call them at 1-800-479-7998 or email them at  You can then swing by the store at 15705 Strathern, #11, in Van Nuys to pick up your order.  Let them know you are in the parking lot and they'll bring it out to your car.  Or, you can arrange to have it shipped.  We know we can never be "too prepared" for natural or man-made disasters, so, check your preparedness supplies and get them updated. (Did you feel that little earthquake in San Fernando this week?  Hints of a bigger one to come???)
This month, we will be talking about "Go bags" -- not the kind you will need if you have to evacuate for a couple of weeks, but the one you grab at 3:00 am when the cop at your front door says you have 5 minutes to evacuate because of the wildfire that's loose near your home!  Where do you keep this bag?  What's in it?  How long should it sustain you?  Just 1 for the entire family, or one for each person?  What about supplies for your pets?
Please don't forget the animals.  We continue to collect contributions for Operation Blankets of Love for animals in shelters and pets owned by the Homeless.  Needed items include clean/new blankets and towels, collars and leashes, food and treats, stainless steel food bowls, crates, igloos, and carriers, litter, flea meds, and other dog and cat items.  SHELTERS HAVE NO BUDGET FOR COMFORT ITEMS.  WINTER NIGHTS ARE COLD.  We will arrange to pick up donations from you.  Just give me a call at (818) 384-8375 and we will deliver to Operation Blankets of Love.
Also, please remember our Sunday Morning Lake Balboa Amateur Radio Net, 9:00 AM, Simplex 145.570.  How far can we transmit?  On what equipment and Power?  Who hears us?  Also, our FRS/GMRS/Walkie-Talkie Check-In is every Sunday at 10:00 AM on Channel 15, or Channel 17 if 15 is busy.  (This one is quick and easy, no license required, and could be a real lifesaver!  How else will you know when our LBNC EP Bins are open???)  Have questions about the nets, or about radios?  Contact Dan Tomlinson, our Communications Chair, at (818) 776-0474 or
Hope you are all staying safe and healthy!  Looks like we might be seeing the light at the end of the tunnel with this wretched pandemic!  Yaaaay!  Hope you are all having a chance to get the vaccine.  Please don't let your guard down just yet -- keep wearing those masks, social distancing, and washing those hands!  🙂
Keep your pantries, medicine cabinets and First Aid Kits stocked with updated supplies!  And don't forget to set your clocks ahead 1 hour Saturday night as daylight savings time kicks in!
Please take a look at our Agenda HERE, and review the Minutes from our February meeting below.  Hope to see you this Saturday!  Questions?
Linda Pruett and Sandy Joseph, Co-Chairs
Lake Balboa NC Emergency Preparedness Committee
Call Linda at (818) 384-8375, E-Mail at
Email Sandy at
Mailing address:
Lake Balboa NC
P.O. Box 7720
Lake Balboa, CA 91409-7720

(818) 779-9026

© 2004-2025 Lake Balboa Neighborhood Council. All Rights Reserved. Site by Concept To Web.
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