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August 3, 2021

Should I Get A COVID Test If I'm Vaccinated? Where To Go And How To Book Your Appointment


As COVID cases continue to climb among the fully vaccinated (particularly community transmission), the CDC has released new guidelines to help curb the spread — including updated mask and testing recommendations.
The new guidance recommends that fully vaccinated individuals get tested for COVID within 3-5 days after any known exposure, even if they aren’t symptomatic. The CDC also says those who have been exposed should wear a mask in public indoor settings for 14 days after exposure, or until they receive a negative test result.
While L.A. County health officials have mandated mask-wearing indoors for all people, regardless of vaccine status, they still have not updated testing guidance. County guidance says that those who are fully vaccinated and have a known COVID exposure but are not exhibiting symptoms, don’t need to get a test.
Even though breakthrough cases for fully vaccinated people remain uncommon, it still might be a good idea to get a test if you know you have been exposed or are experiencing any symptoms.

Booking (Or Not) A COVID Test

While appointments aren’t necessary at L.A. County or City of L.A. testing sites, you can still schedule one by visiting the health department website or calling 211 to reduce your waiting time.
Here are some sites to get tested without an appointment and their hours. (If you want to make an appointment, though, they are linked with each location.)

If You Live In L.A.

If You Live In The San Fernando Valley

If You Live In The San Gabriel Valley

If You Live In Long Beach

Tests are free for everyone, regardless of immigration status or whether you have health insurance.
While ID isn’t required, county officials recommend bringing some sort of personal identification to your test, just to ensure results are matched to the correct person. Your identity is protected by federal law and can’t be used for any purpose other than giving test results.
Be warned, though, testing availability is much more limited on weekends, so it's important to check in beforehand and make sure your local testing site is open.

Mailing address:
Lake Balboa NC
P.O. Box 7720
Lake Balboa, CA 91409-7720

(818) 779-9026

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