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December 8, 2021

L.A. County Regional Park and Open Space District is Seeking Evaluators for 2021 Competitive Grant Programs

unnamed (13)

Make a Difference by Partnering with Us as a Competitive Grant Evaluator!

Measure AMeasure A is Los Angeles County’s first equity-based funding source for Parks and Recreation, take the opportunity to partner with us as a Competitive Grant Evaluator.

The Los Angeles County Regional Park and Open Space District (RPOSD) is seeking experts with knowledge and experience in various aspects of park recreation and open space challenges and opportunities – including urban planning, watershed management, environment, and habitat protection, biodiversity, park planning, and design, regional planning, conservation, and landscape design for its equity-based Measure A competitive grant programs. These qualified individuals will be part of a multidisciplinary team tasked with evaluating competitive grant applications to provide high-quality park projects and better access to public lands and park facilities to Los Angeles County residents and visitors with an emphasis on park equity for the very high and high need park areas. This panel will be an integral part of offering different points of view and distinctive leadership qualities via innovative advice and dynamic perspectives in their areas of focus.

We are looking for evaluators who are not affiliated with agencies that submitted applications for the 2021 Competitive Grant Programs.

Evaluators will receive compensation in the form of a stipend ranging from $300 up to $500 depending on total hours needed to complete the evaluation process.

Three evaluators are needed for each program:

unnamed (41)Natural Lands, Local Beaches, Water Conservation and Protection Program (Category 3)

The goal of this program is to improve and protect open space, watersheds, and water resources through planning, acquisition, development, improvement, and restoration of multi-benefit park projects.
Estimated Time Commitment: 15 - 20 hours

unnamed (42)Regional Recreation Facilities, Multi-Use Trails and Accessibility Program (Category 4)

The priority of this program is to improve and protect regional recreational facilities through trail and accessibility projects that connect river, mountain, and urban areas to public park lands.
Estimated Time Commitment: 15 - 20 hours

unnamed (43)Acquisition-Only programs pertaining to Categories 3 & 4

The focus of this program is to acquire land for the purposes stated in Categories 3 (Natural Lands, Local Beach, Water Conservation Multi-benefit Projects) & 4 (Regional Recreation & Accessibility)
Estimated Time Commitment: 10 - 15 hours

>>> Click Here to Learn More about RPOSD's Competitive Grant Programs <<<

Provide Industry Knowledge for the Benefit of the Community...
Evaluators will offer valuable expertise by evaluating applicants’ budgets, goals, and program readiness. This will help distribute grant funding based on the level of need, regional benefits, social multi-benefits, environmental multi-benefits, connections, and access. RPOSD wants to fund projects with organizations and agencies that will have a positive impact on communities with park needs. The evaluation process will ensure the program delivers results for the betterment of parks and recreation access to residents.
Celebrate your expertise and achievements by sharing your passion for creating outstanding park, recreation, and open space experiences for LA County Residents.
Grant application evaluators are integral to the success of these programs. If you are interested in participating and would like to become a part of the Evaluation Panel with RPOSD, please contact us by December 16, 2021.
Christina Angeles: (626) 588-5060
Agie Jordan: (626) 588-5045
Help us spread the word on our search for Competitive Grant Evaluators!

Mailing address:
Lake Balboa NC
P.O. Box 7720
Lake Balboa, CA 91409-7720

(818) 779-9026

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