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April 10, 2022

Roscoe Trunk Line Project (Mason to Louise)



Distribution mainline pipes are the backbone of LADWP’s water distribution system. There are approximately 6,780 miles of mainline pipe and 27 percent are over 80 years old. With a focus on infrastructure improvement programs, LADWP will continue to provide customers with a reliable source of water by upgrading major system components that are old, or located in seismic areas. The Roscoe Mainline project is an important part of LADWP’s plan to accelerate the pace of replacing aging infrastructure. Customers will benefit from the new mainline pipe with enhanced fire protection, seismic resiliency and improved water system reliability and flexibility.

Project Description

LADWP crews will install approximately 3,000 feet of 16- inch steel mainline pipe on Roscoe Blvd between White Oak Ave and Louise Ave. The project is proposed to begin late spring 2022 and will continue for approximately 10 months. LADWP is committed to completing this project as safely and as quickly as possible.

Construction Information

Work will be done in manageable segments to minimize traffic impact. Each work section will take approximately two weeks to complete. At the end of each work shift, trenches will be covered with steel plates to maintain driveway access until the next work shift begins.

Construction crew work hours will be scheduled to coincide with the zoning in the area. Construction near businesses will be performed at night to minimize traffic impacts and economic losses in the community. Construction near residential zones will be performed during the day.

Night operation hours:

Business section, intersection at Roscoe Blvd and Louise Ave. 9 p.m. to 5 a.m., Mon. – Fri.
Daytime operation hours: Residential section 9 a.m. to 3:30 p.m., Mon. – Fri. Occasional Saturday work may occur between 8 a.m. and 6 p.m.

Traffic Information

In active construction areas, there will be at least one westbound and one eastbound lane open at all times. Construction along Roscoe Blvd at the intersections of White Oak Ave and Louise Ave will include partial street closures. Temporary tow-away/no-parking signs will be posted as needed. Local and driveway access will be provided.


W. Valley District Superintendent
Jaime Castrellon | (818) 775-5422

W. Valley Field Engineer
William Jones | 818-775-5490

Community Liaison
Christina Holland | 213-367-1076

Please download and review the proposed Mitigated Negative Declaration for the Roscoe Trunk Line Project.

Notice of Intent.

Comments must be submitted in writing and will be accepted through April 22, 2022 at 5PM

Related to the trunk line project is the Roscoe Mainline Project that will be installed on Roscoe from White Oak to Louise, a much shorter stretch with a smaller diameter pipe. The fact sheet for this project is attached here. As soon as we know the exact start date, we will reach out to let you know.

Mailing address:
Lake Balboa NC
P.O. Box 7720
Lake Balboa, CA 91409-7720

(818) 779-9026

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