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February 19, 2023

Tips for Managing Higher Gas Bills

Tips for Managing Higher Gas Bills

To help customers manage energy usage and possibly save on bills, SoCalGas has recommended the above tips.

SoCalGas’ free Ways to Save tool may also help customers find ways to save on natural gas bills, with a personalized savings plan that offers a household energy analysis, customized energy-efficiency recommendations, bill comparisons, and energy usage comparisons. Ways to Save can be found at

Customers can also sign up for weekly Bill Tracker Alerts to monitor gas consumption, take steps to reduce usage, and avoid bill surprises. Alerts are sent through email or text and include a bill-to-date and projected next bill amount to help manage energy bills as easily as possible. Eligible customers may also sign up for a Level Pay Plan (LPP), which averages their annual natural gas use and costs over 12 months.

SoCalGas also encourages individuals who are experiencing hardship to explore the many bill payment or assistance programs options it offers or to call 1-800-427-2200. Customers may be eligible for one of many assistance programs including:

For more information on tips, programs and ways to save, click here.

Mailing address:
Lake Balboa NC
P.O. Box 7720
Lake Balboa, CA 91409-7720

(818) 779-9026

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