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September 26, 2023

Take Action to Stop 4 to 5-Story Apartments from Being Built Next to Your Home

Dear Community Members:

The Los Angeles City Council is considering rezoning plans that will allow for apartments to be built right next to single-family homes!

The blue area in the map below will allow a 4 or 5-story building on your neighbor’s lot and across the street!

This map is Lake Balboa, however, there are lots of changes being planned all over the city of Los Angeles.

For more information, RSVP to the Valley Alliance of Neighborhood Councils TOWN HALL Meeting here:


October 14, 2023, at 1:00 PM

St. Michael Orthodox Church
16643 Vanowen
Lake Balboa, CA 91406

Keep reading below to learn about three actions you can take today. 


Linda Gravani 
Lake Balboa Neighborhood Council President


Action #1: Call and Email your local government representatives. Tell your friends and neighbors...

  • Phone And write to the Mayor: 213-978-0600,
  • Phone AND write to the LA City Council President: 213-473-7002,
  • Phone AND write to your council member
  • Phone AND write to the Planning and Land Use Management Committee 213-978-1064,

I've included sample correspondence below.

Action #2: Send Your Public Comments for Council File 21-1230 and Council File 21-1230-S3

You can use similar verbiage to the phone message below or the State Regional Housing Needs Assessment (RHNA) on the opposite page.

See this additional handout for instructions on how to forward your public comments to these Council Files.

Action #3: Educate yourself

Click the link below to check out the entire city map for yourself:

SAMPLE Phone Message:

I am very concerned about the Planning Department’s Housing Element maps that rezone large areas of my single-family neighborhood allowing apartment development. We have miles of underutilized commercial corridors that are the perfect locations for adding needed affordable housing.
What will you do to get these maps changed?


SAMPLE Letter to Mayor Bass:

Dear Mayor Bass,

Your campaign promises spoke of change and transparency. You stated your position to listen to and act on Community Based Housing input - for protecting single-family and sensitive multi-family neighborhoods in the Housing Element.

The Housing Element impact maps have never been shown in public outreach sessions, surveys are slanted and biased, and no one seems sure there is a council file to submit CIS or any comment that can be viewed publicly. Your Constituents have no voice.

We believed your LA Times quote, “I do not believe you force things on people. But you do involve people and let them come up with their own solutions. Planning answers to you, we are asking for your intervention. Middle-class and working-class neighborhoods throughout the city are needlessly being impacted. We ask that these rezoning overlays be removed.


Your Name

Mailing address:
Lake Balboa NC
P.O. Box 7720
Lake Balboa, CA 91409-7720

(818) 779-9026

© 2004-2025 Lake Balboa Neighborhood Council. All Rights Reserved. Site by Concept To Web.
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