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February 10, 2024

✈️ Van Nuys Airport Committee News & Legislative Press Conference at Whiteman Airport Invite

Dear Stakeholders:

I'm thrilled to report that we are starting to see a direct impact from our work at the Neighborhood Council!

At Thursday's meeting of the City of Los Angeles Travel, Trade, and Tourism Committee (TTT), the Committee voted in alignment with the Lake Balboa Neighborhood Council and our community.

Below are the recommendations from the TTT Committee to Los Angeles City Council:

  • Council File 23-1338: APPROVE Asks City Council to instruct LAWA and DCP to prepare a report with recommendations in 30 days on several items concerning the progress, community engagement, and planned steps to complete the Van Nuys Airport (VNY) Vision Study.
  • Council File 23-1229 APPROVE Asks City Hall to instruct the city planning dept and LAWA to prepare a specific airport plan to replace the plan that is currently 18 years old.
  • Councile File 24-0125: DISAPPROVE the new lease for Bonseph Helinet, while asking LAWA to work with and maintain Bonseph Helinet’s lease while the future of the site is reassessed.

THANK YOU all for your hard work. Never forget that everything you do makes a difference. We cannot improve our community without your hard work, and I cannot tell you enough how much I and your neighbors appreciate all you do.

Our work is not done. Bonsef Helinet is threatening to sue the City of Los Angeles if they do not approve the lease. If you have not done so already, you are still able to provide public comment on each of the council files. The final day for Council Action on CF 24-0125 is March 6, 2024. If you do intend to file public comment, please do so BEFORE that date. That means by MARCH 5, 2024.

*See the additional handout for instructions on how to forward your public comments to these Council Files.

You’ll also be thrilled to note that our community’s voice is being heard AT THE STATE LEVEL.

State Senator Caroline Menjivar (20th District) will hold a Legislative Press Conference at Whiteman Airport: 12653 Osborne St, Pacoima, CA 91331 on Thursday, February 15th at 10am. The Senator will be announcing new legislation designed to phase out the leaded fuel used by planes such as the prop planes that fly in and out of Van Nuys Airport. I’m told this is a direct product of the work our we have done at our Neighborhood Council. If anyone is able to be there to show support, it certainly will go a long way as we continue our work to support the community. RSVP by contacting Raven Thrift at RAVEN.THRIFT@SEN.CA.GOV OR at (818) 901-5588 by Monday, February 12, 2024, if possible.

If anyone would like to speak for two minutes, detailing the negative impact the prop plane fuel has had on their health and their life, please message me ASAP and I will connect you to the Senator's office.


Jared Negron 
Van Nuys Airport Committee Chair

Mailing address:
Lake Balboa NC
P.O. Box 7720
Lake Balboa, CA 91409-7720

(818) 779-9026

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