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June 6, 2024

Submit Comment for Recirculated Portions of the Draft Environmental Impact Report for the Sidewalk Repair Program

Sidewalk Repair Program

Notice of Availability of Recirculated Portions of the Draft Environmental Impact Report for the Sidewalk Repair Program (SCH No. 2017071063)

The City of Los Angeles has released updated parts of the Draft Environmental Impact Report (EIR) for the Sidewalk Repair Program, available online at recirculated portions of the Draft EIR public review and comment period began June 6, 2024 and ends on July 23, 2024. This report addresses how sidewalk repair projects are carried out as part of the City's responsibilities under the Willits Settlement. The released sections of the report aim to correct legal issues found in the previous report so the City can reconsider the Project for approval. Feedback on these updated parts of the EIR is being requested from public agencies, residents, and other stakeholders.

  • The City plans to establish a new ordinance to make sidewalk repairs under the Willits Settlement more efficient.
  • The ordinance includes a process for quick approval of sidewalk repair projects meeting specific criteria by the City Engineer or a designee.
  • It also includes a process for approval of projects outside these criteria.
  • A policy for street tree retention, removal, and replacement is outlined, with specific replacement ratios for different time periods.
  • Mandatory Project Design Features (PDFs) are specified, including compliance measures and construction standards.

Objectives of the Project include:

  • Ensuring compliance with the Willits Settlement while improving sidewalk repair programs in line with disabled access requirements.
  • Retaining street trees causing sidewalk barriers where possible.
  • Establishing criteria for future sidewalk improvements and street tree replacements to simplify the approval process and ensure compliance.

Environmental impacts of the proposed Project are determined to be minimal on special-status species, trees, aesthetics, and biological resources.

The public review and comment period for the updated parts of the Draft EIR is from June 6, 2024, to July 23, 2024. The documents are available online and can be reviewed in person. Comments can be submitted online, by mail, or via email. Following the review period, responses to comments will be prepared, and the Final EIR will be compiled. Public input is welcomed during public meetings related to the Project.

Ways to Participate and Provide Input:

Submit comments on the recirculated portions of the Draft EIR online using the comment form at the following link:


Comments may also be submitted by mail to the following address:

Lauren Rhodes, Environmental Supervisor I
City of Los Angeles
Department of Public Works, Bureau of Engineering
Environmental Management Group
1149 S. Broadway, 6th Floor, Mail Stop 939
Los Angeles, CA 90015-2213

Comments may also be submitted by e-mail to Please remember to:
1) Include "SRP DEIR" in the subject line; and
2) Include a mailing address in the comment letter.

For more information, contact Lauren Rhodes at (213) 485-5733 or

Mailing address:
Lake Balboa NC
P.O. Box 7720
Lake Balboa, CA 91409-7720

(818) 779-9026

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