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July 4, 2024

Scheduled Fireworks Show at Birmingham Community Charter High School

From the LA Fire Department: Public Fireworks Displays in LA City

All fireworks remain illegal for personal possession or use in the City of Los Angeles. Attending a professional fireworks show or drone display is the safest and smartest way to celebrate Independence Day 2024.

Scheduled Fireworks Show at Birmingham Community Charter High School

Happy Fourth of July, Lake Balboa Community. There is a scheduled Fireworks Show on Friday, July 5th, at Birmingham, starting at 9 PM. Please make sure that your pets are safe.

Please be advised that a professionally fired fireworks display will take place on the campus of Birmingham Community Charter High School in conjunction with the planned Homenetmen Navasartian Games & Festival.

The anticipated time of firing is 9:00 p.m. and should last between 5 and 10 minutes. The Los Angeles Fire Department has been notified and will be on campus to ensure proper handling and safety protocols are followed. You are being notified in advance so you will have time to make arrangements for individuals that may be disturbed by the fireworks and/or make plans for your pets. Thank you.

Notificación de un Evento de Exhibición de Fuegos Artificiales, que tendrá lugar el Julio 5, 2024

Tenga en cuenta que, junto con el Festival de Homenetmen Navasartian planeado, se levará a cabo una exhibición de fuegos artificiales disparados profesionalmente en la fecha anterior en el campus de Birmingham Community Charter High School. La hora prevista de disparo es a las 9:00 p.m. y debe durar entre 5 y 10 minutos. El Departamento de Bomb-eros de Los Ángeles ha sido notificado y estará en el campus para garantizar que se sigan los protocolos de seguridad y manejo adecuados. Se le notificará con anticipación para que tenga tiempo de hacer arreglos para las personas que puedan verse perturbadas por los fuegos artificiales y / o hacer planes para sus mascotas. Gracias.

Mailing address:
Lake Balboa NC
P.O. Box 7720
Lake Balboa, CA 91409-7720

(818) 779-9026

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