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February 10, 2018

EP Information

Hi, Everybody!  Happy New Year!  Hope you had wonderful holidays and that you're all ready to get back to work on preparing ourselves, our neighborhoods and our communities for Emergencies and Disasters.  We'll be meeting this Saturday, February 10th, 9:00 to 11:00 AM, at the Flyaway Bus Terminal in the Community Meeting Room on the 2nd Floor, located at 7610 Woodley Avenue (NE Corner of Saticoy and Woodley) in Lake Balboa, 91406.  GO INSIDE and take the elevator at the north end of the building, or climb the steps outside.  Plenty of FREE PARKING in the short-term lot out front in the spaces closest to Woodley Ave.

ERIN HUEY, of our our most favorite speakers, will speak to us about Safety in the home, such as prevention of slips, trips and falls.  Ain't none of us getting any younger, so this should be VERY helpful.  And, she's going to cover lacing and walking shoes.  You won't believe this one.  Great fun, and really helpful.  You'll definitely want to take part in this, so WEAR CLEAN SOCKS!!!  😉

Don't forget contributions for OPERATION BLANKETS OF LOVE for animals in shelters, including clean/new blankets and towels, collars and leashes, food and treats, stainless steel food bowls, crates, igloos, and carriers, litter, flea meds and other dog and cat related items.  It's cold at night now, and SHELTERS HAVE NO BUDGET FOR ANY COMFORT ITEMS!!!  Please be generous...
Don't forget our Sunday Morning Lake Balboa Amateur Radio Net.  Every Sunday9:00 AM, Simplex 145.570.  How far can we transmit?  On what equipment and Power?  Who hears us?  All Licensed Hams Invited!  We are a very friendly Net, and we especially love to help NEW Hams get started!  Don't be shy -- come check in with use!  You'll make some great new friends and have fun, too!
FRS/GMRS/Walkie-Talkie Check In.  Every second Sunday of the month, this month, February 11th, 9:45 AM, Channel 5, (Channel 3 if Channel 5 is busy).  An easy and great way for EVERYBODY to communicate after a disaster!  Quick and easy to do.  Could save lives!
Hope to see you Saturday morning!  Questions?
Linda Pruett and Sandy Joseph, CoChairs
Lake Balboa Emergency Preparedness Committee
Call Linda at (818) 384-8375
Email her at
Mailing address:
Lake Balboa NC
P.O. Box 7720
Lake Balboa, CA 91409-7720

(818) 779-9026

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