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January 31, 2020

Be Prepared for the Coronavirus

Flu season is bad enough as it is, but now there's a new deadly viral outbreak traveling the globe. There have now been over 2,000 confirmed cases in China and it has now spread to the United States with a growing list of states confirming infections.
Although the chance of widespread contamination in the U.S. is low, it is important to understand the nature of coronavirus and how you can prevent it from affecting you and your loved ones.

What is coronavirus?

Human coronaviruses are common throughout the world. Seven different coronaviruses, that scientists know of, can infect people and make them sick (CDC 2020). However, anyone can be infected, so it is important to stay healthy and reduce the risk of being infected.

How to Prevent the Coronavirus

Coronaviruses are most commonly spread through contact with another individual via coughing or sneezing within close range. As of right now, there are no specified treatments for the coronaviruses, but you can use these tips to reduce your risk of spreading or getting this virus:

  • Avoid close contact with people who are sick
  • Wear a mask N95 Particulate Respirator Mask – optional surgical masks, including the N95 are a basic defense against some viruses and may be helpful in some communities where health officials suspect viruses are circulating widely. But in the U.S., the CDC has not recommended Americans wear masks in public.
  • Avoid touching your nose, mouth or eyes
  • Wash your hands often for at least 20 seconds
  • Disinfect surfaces you touch frequently
  • If you sneeze, cover your mouth with your elbow or tissue.
  • Dispose of tissue and wash hands thoroughly for at least 20 seconds
  • Symptoms include fever, runny noses, headaches, body aches, sore throat cough & difficulty in breathing
  • Be Prepared

What to do when sick
There is no specific treatment for the coronavirus, but you can do some of the tips below to help you recover from the infection:

  • Covering your mouth when sneezing or coughing
  • Stay inside when sick
  • Use a humidifier and take hot showers
  • Stay hydrated
  • Get a lot of rest
  • Understand when to go to the doctors
  • Eat healthy foods

References: Center for Disease Control & Prevention website
Information courtesy of: Health & Public Safety Committee – Lake Balboa Neighborhood Council, James Brown - chair

Mailing address:
Lake Balboa NC
P.O. Box 7720
Lake Balboa, CA 91409-7720

(818) 779-9026

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