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Our Mission

From the Lake Balboa NC Bylaws:
The PURPOSE of the Council is to participate as a body on issues concerning our neighborhood and regarding the governance of the City of Los Angeles (“City”) in a transparent, inclusive, collaborative, accountable and viable manner.
The MISSION of the Council is:
  1. To provide an inclusive and open forum for public discussion of issues of interest to the Council, including City governance, the needs of the Council, the delivery of City services to the Council area, and other matters of a City wide nature;
  2. To advise the City on issues of interest to the Council, including City governance, the needs of the Council, the delivery of City services to the Council area, and other matters of a City wide nature;
  3. To initiate, execute and support projects for the physical, social and cultural improvement of the Council area; and
  4. To facilitate communication between the City and Community Stakeholders on issues of concern to the community and/or the Stakeholders.
  5. To monitor and facilitate public services and infrastructure investments.
  6. To participate actively in the citywide Neighborhood Council System.
  7. To provide an opportunity to engage a representative cross-section of the Council’s stakeholders in local affairs.


Mailing address:
Lake Balboa NC
P.O. Box 7720
Lake Balboa, CA 91409-7720

(818) 779-9026

© 2004-2025 Lake Balboa Neighborhood Council. All Rights Reserved. Site by Concept To Web.
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