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March 8, 2013

Lake Balboa Neighborhood Council Now Has a Facebook Page!


LBNC FacebookWe know many of our stakeholders use Facebook regularly to keep up with friends and family, to read about local news and events, and to post photos of their cats.  🙂  Now you can follow Lake Balboa Neighborhood Council as well!  In addition to our front page news stories and monthly newsletters, we'll post links to our meeting agendas so you will always know when we are meeting.
Click here to add us as a friend on Facebook.  We look forward to seeing you there.
If you don't use Facebook, don't sweat it.  We will still post all of those goodies here first.

Mailing address:
Lake Balboa NC
P.O. Box 7720
Lake Balboa, CA 91409-7720

(818) 779-9026

© 2004-2025 Lake Balboa Neighborhood Council. All Rights Reserved. Site by Concept To Web.
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