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June 5, 2013

Crowds Turn out to Learn about Local Control Funding Formula at Spring 2013 Valley Schools Task Force


More than 85 people crowded into the Daniel Pearl Magnet High School auditorium on a recent Monday night to learn more about Governor Brown’s proposed Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF), and what it will mean for the Valley and Los Angeles public schools.
Tamar and District officials, Matt Hill and Edgar Zazueta, answer audience members' questions.Tamar holds these meetings, known as the Valley Schools Task Force, to inform the public about topics of concern to Valley constituents and the District, and to give constituents a chance to ask questions in an informal setting.
Edgar Zazueta, the Director of Legislative Affairs for the Los Angeles Unified School District, gave participants the inside-scoop on what the LCFF does, and how it would work.
Matt Hill, Chief Strategy Officer for LAUSD, gave an update on the budget situation of the District, post-Proposition 30, and how money from the LCFF, if passed, might be distributed at the local level.
Continuing her tradition of promoting technology at the District, Tamar encouraged those present to participate by phone, laptop, or iPad, in an instant electronic survey that asked them who they were, whether they thought Prop. 30 would bring more money to schools, and what their top budget priorities are.
The power point presentations and technology survey were followed by an intense hour of questions by teachers, administrators, parents and community members.
A packed crowd listens intently to the presentations.
Many of those present hailed from affiliated charter schools, which will lose their charter school block grants in the future, when categorical block grants are eliminated under the proposed LCFF.  Principals and parents from schools who have not yet become affiliated charter schools, but will lose their Title I funds next year, were also present.
These schools wanted to know how they will survive.
"I'm really concerned about this," Tamar said at the event. "Schools need to have access to the money they need, regardless of their zip code."
Tamar proposed that the District try to come up with a way of establishing some level of basic services that should be available to every school and every child in the District. She encouraged those present to contribute to the conversation. She promised that her office would put together a survey on-line that parents, administrators and teachers could use to submit their ideas. (Stay tuned…survey to go up Week of June 3!)
The budget reform debate continues --and agreement isn't likely until late June—leaving many unknowns. Still, Tamar pledged to keep her constituents in the loop, and to continue to include them in the conversation about how the proposed LCFF money will be spent at the District level.
"Events like these are just the beginning," she said. "We need everyone here to step up to make sure there are guaranteed [funding] floors for every school. We need to make sure we're not just surviving. How do we thrive?"
If you couldn't make it, see the below links for the power point presentation, a history of education funding in California, and the online survey to give Tamar your feedback and participate in this crucial conversation.
Click HERE for the online survey to give Tamar your input on what is important to you and your local school!
Presentation Slides:
Tamar Galatzan's Presentation (with poll results)
Edgar Zazueta's Presentation on Gov. Brown's Local Control Funding Formula
Matt Hill's Presentation on the LAUSD's Current Budget State
LCFF Information:
LCFF Frequently Asked Questions (English)
LCFF Frequently Asked Questions (Spanish)

Mailing address:
Lake Balboa NC
P.O. Box 7720
Lake Balboa, CA 91409-7720

(818) 779-9026

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