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July 7, 2015

Updates from the Emergency Preparedness Committee


Hi, Everybody!
Our July EP Meeting is NOT to be missed!!!  We'll be discussing how to proceed with readying Lake Balboa for disaster -- be it earthquake, fire, flood, terrorist attack or hazmat spill.  We can't wait any longer, and must move forward.   Please be part of the solution -- not just for our Neighborhood Council area, but for others throughout the city as well.  We took the lead in preparedness years ago, and must continue this vital work.  Join us, as we continue to make history.  If you know other Neighborhood Councils who are interested in having Emergency Supply Bins, please invite them to this meeting!
BIG ANNOUNCEMENT -- Our August EP Meeting will be an EP Drill held on the FIRST SATURDAY, AUGUST 1st, (not the second Saturday as usual), at 8:00 AM, (not 9:00 AM), at our EP Bin at Woodley Lakes Golf Course.  Other Preparedness Groups, along with the National Guard, will also be participating.  PLEASE INVITE YOUR NEIGHBORS AND ALL CERT MEMBERS YOU KNOW TO THIS MEETING.   We want them ALL to know where our EP Bins are located in Lake Balboa!  The contents of those bins are for Police and Fire Dept. personnel, those who are medically trained, and CERT trained individuals!  In addition, we see these bins as becoming Information Centers after a disaster, where the public can learn about operational hospitals and medical facilities, Red Cross Shelters, open food stores, pharmacies, etc.
Take Victory Blvd. to Woodley Ave.  Go south on Woodley to the 2nd Driveway on your right.  (See Woodley Lakes Golf Course sign.)  Turn in and drive to the STOP sign.  Turn left into the parking lot.  Take the 2nd aisle to your right and see the tan 20' cargo bin ahead behind the chain link fence.  Park and come to the bin.
Also this Saturday, Ted Snyder and Dave Brown of the Southern California Preparedness Foundation will bring us up to date on the 8th Annual Disaster Preparedness Fair to be held on Saturday, October 3rd at Firestation 87 on Balboa Blvd. (just south of Devonshire), from10:00 AM until 2:00 PM.  The Fair this year (the biggest and best ever!), is being sponsored by the Foundation (a 501(c)(3) non-profit corporation), and supported by over 20 Neighborhood Councils!!!  We're all helping the Valley to get ready for Disaster, and to know what to do to recover as quickly as possible!  We'll have FREE EP KITS* for all families that register and attend the Fair, FREE LUNCH* and FREE PARKING, too!  (*While supplies last!)  Register online at!  Great speakers this year, including Dr. Kate Hutton, Captain Stacy Gerlich of Homeland Security, and Tim Kneeland, noted Wilderness Preparedness expert!
This month's CERT Meeting for our area is Sunday, July 26th, 1:00 to 3:00 PM, and is on Head to Toe Assessments and Running a Field Treatment Area.  It will be held in the Training Trailer (just to your left as you enter the driveway area), of the LAFD Fire Station 88, 5101 N. Sepulveda Blvd. in Sherman Oaks.  Don't forget that these are Community Meetings and are open to all.  You do NOT have to be CERT trained!
One last reminder -- Please don't forget our Every-Sunday-Morning Lake Balboa Amateur Radio Net at 9:00 AM, Simplex 145.570.  Open to all Licensed Hams!  And THIS Sunday, July 12th, turn to Channel 5 on your FRS/GMRS and Walkie-Talkie radios at 9:45 AM and please check in!  This will probably be the only form of communication for most after a disaster, so learn how to do it NOW!
Questions?  Get in touch!
Linda Pruett ( and Brian Tessier, (
Co-Chairs, Emergency Preparedness Committee
Lake Balboa Neighborhood Council
(818) 384-8375 (Direct to Linda)

One comment on “Updates from the Emergency Preparedness Committee”

  1. Hello dear I'm a Real estate Agent I live in the Lake Balboa Area and I would like to participate in your neighborhood events and be part of the neighborhood watch. Please call me at 818-8019-5468 or email at
    Maria Torres

Mailing address:
Lake Balboa NC
P.O. Box 7720
Lake Balboa, CA 91409-7720

(818) 779-9026

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