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February 3, 2017



FREE!  FREE!  FREE!  FREE!  The best deal in town!!!  Learn how to take care of yourself, your family, your co-workers and neighbors when the next disaster hits!  (7.8-8.2 Earthquake?  We're overdue for one, you know... Other kinds of disasters?  Floods?  Fires?  Pandemics?  Haz Mat Spills?  Dirty Bomb?)
Seven FREE CERT (Community Emergency Response Team) Classes, taught by the Los Angeles Fire Department's own Susan Jensen, beginning Thursday, March 2, 6:30 to 9:00 PM, at Magnolia Science Academy, 17125 Victory Blvd., (just west of Balboa Blvd., between Balboa and Louise), in Lake Balboa, 91406!  (See Syllabus below.)  Plenty of FREE PARKING.  Take the driveway off Victory Blvd. beside the school.
Has it been more than 3 years since your last CERT training?  Use it or lose it!!!  Come take the training again so that it's fresh in your mind!
New or refreshing, you must register with:
Linda Pruett,, with your name, address, email, and phone number AND with the LAFD at  Go down the page to the Lake Balboa class and click on the CERT image.  This will take you to the Registration page.  You do NOT have to print out the tickets, but you must register at both places.  We expect the class to fill up quickly once the word is out, so don't hesitate.  If "class closed" comes up, register with Linda Pruett anyway and show up for the first class as there are always a few who register but then can't do the classes at the last minute for whatever reason...
A very special gift for those who complete all 7 of our classes.  Have to miss one or two classes?  No problem.  You can take a "make up" class at other presentations.  We'll show you how.  Want more information?
Linda Pruett, Emergency Preparedness Co-Chair
Cell Phone:  (818) 384-8375

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Mailing address:
Lake Balboa NC
P.O. Box 7720
Lake Balboa, CA 91409-7720

(818) 779-9026

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