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March 20, 2017

Sepulveda Basin Work


LA Sanitation, Clean Harbors Environmental Services, Los Angeles Conservation Corps, the Los Angeles Police Department (Valley Bureau, HOPE Team, and Off Road Unit Officers), Los Angeles Recreation and Parks, Los Angeles Homeless Services Authority (LAHSA), and the United States Army Corps of Engineers began restoration of the stormwater channel in the Sepulveda Basin.
Crews continue to remove trash, debris, unattended items, health hazards and homeless encampments. Also, crews resume removing invasive trees along the storm channel.
Here is a list of work completed thus far:

  • Approximately 3,660 feet of the City easement located in the stormwater drainage was cleaned.
  • 55 tons of trash, debris, and bulky items were removed.
  • Part of the mitigation was the removal of invasive trees blocking the channel. The trees were removed to gain access and to clear homeless encampments. LA Sanitation is planning on placing native plants in the right locations to mitigate what was removed.

Burbank Boulevard from Balboa Boulevard to Hayvenhurst Avenue (south lane) will be closed to traffic during emergency construction operations from 9:00 am to 3:30 pm for the following four business days. Lane closures will most likely start before 9:00 am as crews are on scene as early as 7:00 am.
Work will continue, however, due to unexpected weather conditions, this project has been extended until the end of the week.

  • Partial road closure will be tomorrow, March 21 & Wednesday, March 22.
  • Full road closure will be Thursday, March 23 & Friday, March 24.

We will continue monitoring, serving, and enforcing the Sepulveda Basin while balancing the legal obligations placed upon the City on the removal of our homeless and their property.
The end goal is to ensure everyone in our communities is safe and receives the services they need and deserve.

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P.O. Box 7720
Lake Balboa, CA 91409-7720

(818) 779-9026

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