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December 19, 2018

Be the Change in Your Community – Run for a Seat on Your Neighborhood Council. Election is May 19, 2019.

What are Neighborhood Councils?

Neighborhood Councils are the closest form of government to the people. They give their communities a voice at City Hall on important issues like development, homelessness, and public safety.

Neighborhood Councils are advisory bodies with annual budgets funded by taxpayer dollars. Board members are City officials who are elected by those who live, work, or own property or a business in the community that a Council represents, and they donate their time and service as volunteers.

The Neighborhood Council system was established in 1999 as a way of ensuring that the City government remains responsive to the different needs and lifestyles of Los Angeles’ rich variety of communities. There are currently 99 Neighborhood Councils in Los Angeles, each serving about 40,000 people.

The first candidate filing period begins December 16, 2018. Neighborhood Council elections will be held from late March to mid-June. LA’s 99 Neighborhood Councils form the grassroots level of the Los Angeles city government. The system was established in 1999 to connect their communities to City Hall. The Neighborhood Councils advocate on issues like homelessness, land use, housing, emergency preparedness, sustainability, aging, youth programs, transportation, and parks. While Neighborhood Council board members are volunteers, they are public officials elected by the members of their community. Most board members serve two-year terms; a few Councils have four-year terms. For more information:
Build your resume by joining a board or committee. Get free training on marketable skills like community organizing or ethical handling of public funds.
Gain valuable experience to qualify for other roles – volunteering with your Neighborhood Council can demonstrate your ability to serve in positions of greater responsibility. LA City Controller Ron Galperin and District 4 City Councilmember David Ryu both began their political careers on their local Neighborhood Councils.

Region 3 Candidate filing: Sunday, February 3, 2019 – Tuesday, March 5, 2019
Region 3 Election Day: Sunday, May 19, 2019
Region 3 Councils: Canoga Park, Encino, Lake Balboa, Reseda, Sherman Oaks, South Robertson, Tarzana, West Hills, Winnetka, Woodland Hills-Warner Center

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Mailing address:
Lake Balboa NC
P.O. Box 7720
Lake Balboa, CA 91409-7720

(818) 779-9026

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