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April 12, 2022

BeautifyLA Grant Cycle 2 -Round 1 Proposal Period Is Now Live


The Keep Los Angeles Beautiful (KLAB) Community Beautification Grant

Do you or your group have innovative ideas about how to improve and beautify the public spaces in your community? Keep Los Angeles Beautiful (KLAB) is now accepting proposals and will award grants to provide additional financial support to help bring your ideas to life and make a positive impact on our communities together.

The KLAB Community Beautification Grant is a competitive matching grant of up to $2,500 that will be awarded to community-based groups in the City of Los Angeles to fund exceptional neighborhood beautification projects that are designed to enhance the public spaces where they live, work, and play. During the proposal period or Round 1 of the grant program, interested organizations are asked to submit a one-page narrative (form provided in proposal packet) with a brief project description and a photo of the site location.

Please be advised that the BeautifyLA Grant Cycle 2: Round 1 proposal period is now live and open for submissions. This is a good opportunity to submit proposals for any community project.

For your convenience, the proposal materials are linked below and can be found on the Los Angeles Office of Community Beautification website:

The deadline for the proposal period is May 4th at 5 pm. Submissions are accepted via email as identified in the guidelines. In-person submission will be available on May 4th at City Hall in DTLA till 5 pm.

Click the images below to download the packets.




Mailing address:
Lake Balboa NC
P.O. Box 7720
Lake Balboa, CA 91409-7720

(818) 779-9026

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