"The world is run by those who show up."
If you have strong feelings about how your tax dollars are spent, we encourage you to participate in the L.A. City Budget Survey for 2013.
The Lake Balboa Neighborhood Council needs your help in taking the Los Angeles Budget Challenge la.budgetchallenge.org, which will advise our mayor & our city councilmembers of our community's concerns on the City's budget. In addition, this information will be made available to our Neighborhood Council (LBNC) so that we may better serve you.
The Budget Challenge is a budget balancing simulation. Budget amounts for each policy option are estimates based on preliminary budget targets developed by the Mayor in anticipation of a $216 million deficit for Fiscal Year (FY) 2013-14.
It's important we all participate in taking the survey. This way we can demonstrate both to the mayor & our city councilmen our communities budgetary concerns. Make sure that you provide your zip code and mark down "Lake Balboa Neighborhood Council" -- this way our neighborhood council can be assured of receiving your thoughts which will assist the council in better serving you.